The Decades of Henry Bullinger, 2 Volumes [Book]
$78.31 ·
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: Hardcover
: Non-fiction
: Religion
: Henry Bullinger
: Reformation Heritage Books, hardback
Henry Bullinger was one of the most widely esteemed leaders of the Reformation Churches. The Decades was the most famous of the 150 treatises and manuscripts that he wrote, deriving its name from being a series of fifty theological addresses divided into five groups of ten. Each address is a helpful, detailed exposition of an important doctrine. Combined, they provide an overview of the Christian faith suitable for the everyday Christian. When first published The Decades outsold Calvin's Institutes in England, a work that performs a similar function. This edition features introductions to the life of Bullinger and to the work itself by George Ella and Joel R. Beeke. Table of Contents: First Decade of Sermons - The Word of God - The Word of God - The Exposition of God's Word - True Faith - The Force of Faith - Justification by Faith - The Apostles' Creed, Articles 1-4The Apostles' Creed, Articles 5-8The Apostles' Creed, Articles 9-12The Love of God and Our Neighbor - Second Decade of Sermons - The Law of Nature and of Men - First and Second Commandments - Third Commandment - Fourth Commandment - Fifth Commandment - Sixth Commandment - Sixth Commandment - Sixth Commandment - Sixth Commandment - Seventh Commandment - Third Decade of Sermons - Eighth Commandment - Eighth Commandment - Eight Commandment - Ninth and Tenth Commandments - Ceremonial Laws of God - Ceremonial Laws of God - Judicial Laws of God - Use, Fulfilling, and Abrogation of the Law - Christian Liberty, Works, and MeritsSinFourth Decade of Sermons - The GospelRepentanceGodCreation, Providence, and Predestination - Adoring, Calling Upon, and Serving God - The Son of God Our Lord Jesus Christ - Christ's Kingdom and Priesthood - The Holy Ghost - Angels and Devils - The Reasonable Soul of Man - Fifth Decade of Sermons - The Holy Catholic Church - The Unity of the Church - The Ministry of the Word of God - The Ministry of the Word of God - Prayer to God - The Sacraments - The Sacraments - Holy Baptism - The Lord's Holy Supper - The Institutions of the Church
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