inauthor:"Larry D. Alexander" from
These commentaries by Alexander are written to give the reader a clearer understanding of GOD'S message through the Apostle Paul's teachings.
inauthor:"Larry D. Alexander" from
In this book, he attempts to enlighten us about the beginnings of the Christian Church, and its gradual spread to nearby and distant lands.
inauthor:"Larry D. Alexander" from
A Bible study guide for home and church study in the book of Romans
inauthor:"Larry D. Alexander" from
Home and Church Bible Study Guide through the Gospel of John to aid in understanding, and in preparation for Christian Service.
inauthor:"Larry D. Alexander" from
This book is designed to promote CHRIST and to promote the spread of Christianity to the far corners of the earth
inauthor:"Larry D. Alexander" from
In the early Church, as the great separation was taking place, the book of Galatians helped to clarify the doctrinal differences between "Judaism" and "Christianity".
inauthor:"Larry D. Alexander" from
During the second invasion of Jerusalem(597 B.C.), Nebuchadnezzar deported an even larger group of Judah's upper and middle class citizens to Babylon, and among this group was a young twenty-six year old priest in training named, Ezekiel.
inauthor:"Larry D. Alexander" from
Paul's first letter to the Church at Corinth was written to address the many problems that had cropped up, immediately following his founding of the church there, during his second missionary journey (Acts 18:1-8).
inauthor:"Larry D. Alexander" from
The thrust of the message of this book is to help us to understand, who we are, where we came from, and how that search for those answers must begin and end with GOD.