inauthor:"James Hatfield" from
Offers a portrait of the two-time governor of Texas, George W. Bush, and argues against his fitness to serve as president.
inauthor:"James Hatfield" from
This biography tells the truth about George W. Bush: how he dodged the draft;as a mediocre student at Yale; lost a lot of other people's money in boomimes in the Texas Oil market; and was investigated by the SEC for insiderrading.
inauthor:"James Hatfield" from
Hatfield discusses the wondrous gift of God's grace and its relevance in a world of turmoil. (Practical Life)
inauthor:"James Hatfield" from
Including 16 pages of photos, here is the uncensored story of Patrick Stewart, the enigmatic Shakespearean actor who rose to superstardom on Star Trek: The Next Generation.