inauthor:"H.G. Widdowson" from
This book develops a rational approach to the teaching of language as communication, based on a careful consideration of the nature of language and of the language user's activities.
inauthor:"H.G. Widdowson" from
This volume provides a wide-ranging overview of the diverse issues in applied linguistics today. The contributors consider the relation of their own areas of enquiry both to professional practice and to the discipline as a whole.
inauthor:"H.G. Widdowson" from
Providing an introduction, this work contains sections on the British Empire.
inauthor:"H.G. Widdowson" from
This is an introduction to linguistics, the study of human language.
inauthor:"H.G. Widdowson" from
This volume critically reviews the most prominent issues in language teaching today and relates them to general perspectives on the nature of language and of language teaching and learning.
inauthor:"H.G. Widdowson" from
It shows how these are related and can provide a theoretical frame of reference for the critical evaluation of current issues in discourse analysis.
inauthor:"H.G. Widdowson" from
This volume forms part of the Applied Linguistics and Language Study collection that looks at the field of analysing and appreciating literary texts.
inauthor:"H.G. Widdowson" from
This book takes a particular perspective on the nature of poetry and follows this through to proposals for teaching.