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Hawkef from
College Ruled Color Paperback. Size: 6 inches x 9 inches. 55 sheets (110 pages for writing). Hawke. 157597432186
Hawkef from
... Hawkef- bury , dated Berlin , August 21 , 1802 . No. 29. Extract of a Difpatch from Mr. Cafamajor to Lord Hawkef- bury , dated Berlin , Auguft 31 , 1802 . No. 30. Extract of a Difpatch from Mr. Cafamajor to Lord Hawkf- bury , dated ...
Hawkef from
... Hawkef- bury , dated St. Petersburg , August 3 , 1802 . No. 26. Extract of a Difpatch from Mr. Paget to Lord ... Hawkef- bury , dated Berlin , Auguft 21 , 1802 . No. 29. Extract of a Dispatch from Mr. Cafamajor to Lord Hawkef- bury ...
Hawkef from
... Hawkef- bury , dated Paris , April 9th 1803 ; Inclofure referred to in N ° 53 ; and Tranflation : And alfo , N ° 54 ... Hawkef bury , dated Paris , April 18th 1803 : And alfo , N ° 58. Difpatch from Lord Whitworth to Lord Hawkef ...
Hawkef from
... Hawkef . + Gildon , a writer of criticisms and libels , who abused Mr. Pope in feveral pamphlets and books printed by Curll . Hawkef . Mis . Sufannah Centlivre , wife of Mr. Centlivre , yeoman of the Mouth to his Majefty , wrote a fong ...
Hawkef from
... Hawkef- bury , dated Paris , June 23d , 1802 . 257 3. Extract of a Dispatch from Mr. Merry to Lord Hawkef- bury , dated Paris , July 5th , 1802 . 258 4. Extract of a Dispatch from Mr. Merry to Lord Hawkef- bury , dated Paris , August ...
Hawkef from
... Hawkef . + Mr Gildon , a writer of criticisins and libels , who abused Mr Pope in several pamphlets and books printed by Curll . Hawkef . + Mrs Sufannah Centlivre , wife of Mr Centlivre , yeoman of the mouth to his Majesty , wrote a ...
Hawkef from
... Hawkef + Canting their land is letting it to the highest bidder ---- Cant fignifies the fame as auction . Hawkef . This project for a bank in Ireland was foon afterwards brought into parliament , and rejected . Hawkef . in fame perfons ...
Hawkef from
... Hawkef . + Gildon , a writer of criticisms and libels , who abufed Mr. Pope in feveral pamphlets and books printed by Curll . Hawkef . Mis . Sufannah Centlivre , wife of Mr. Centlivre , yeoman of the Mouth to his Majefty , wrote a fong ...
Hawkef from
... Hawkef . Mrs Sufanna Centlivre , wife of Mr Centlivre , yeoman of the mouth to his Majefty , wrote a fong before he was seven years old , and many plays : fhe wrote also a ballad against Mr Pope's Homer , before he began it . Hawkef ...