The essay is No. 118 in Lamprias's list of Plutarch's works, where the title is given as an account of Isis and Serapis.
The Greek biographer Plutarch's De Iside et Osiride (“Concerning Isis and Osiris”) is still the best description of the Egyptian myth of Isis and Osiris and of ...
Oct 9, 2012 · Entry page to an English translation of the entire work, Part of a very large site on classical Antiquity, with many other ancient works.
Osiris was born, and a voice came into the world with him, saying, The Lord of all things is now born.
DE ISIDE ET OSIRIDE. PLUTARCH'S treatise Trep' "Iotov Ica'l 'Ot'Ipt&o, is a work able importance not only to the studeht of later Platonism, b. Egyptologist ...
By the first of these names they signify 'mother,' by the second the mundane house of Horus, the place and receptacle of generation, as Plato has it, and the ...
De Iside et Osiride

De Iside et Osiride

Book by Dawn Casey
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Originally published: 1744
Author: Dawn Casey
Mar 13, 2021 · Plutarch's De Iside et Osiride; xviii, 648 pages 23 cm Greek text with English translation of Peri Isidos kai Osiridos Includes bibliographical references.
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648 pages. Language: English. Publisher: University of Wales P. Publication date: January 1, 1970. About the author: Follow authors to get new release updates.
Publisher: Little, Brown & Co. Place publ: Boston; Date publ: 1874; Phys descr: print, xiv, ...
(De Iside Et Osiride). 1. Next Page. Find related works. Plutarch · Greek Library · 1 AD – 100 AD · 100 AD – 200 AD · Prose · Mythography. DOI: 10.4159/DLCL.