A couple of weeks before I moved from Keene New Hampshire to Bemidji in July 2012, I made a trip over to the Franklin County Courthouse in Greenfield ...
Special collections include chapbooks; children's books; plays of the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries; incunabula; early printed books; ...
In the first place, this book is a sustained argument on the merits and demerits of the most influential religion theory of the social sciences – Durkheim's ...
I have used the bibliography (Literaturverzeichnis) of the MEW edition of Marx' Capital volume 1 and provided the electronic links to the original ...
MacCulloch, D. (2003). The Reformation: A History. New York: Penguin ... Robert, J. (1977). La Liberté Religieuse et le Régime des Cultes. Paris ...
This document provides background information on King Edward II of England who ruled from 1307 to 1327. It discusses his early life as Prince of Wales, ...
MacCulloch, J[ohn] Ramsay: A dictionary, practical, theoretical, and historical, of commerce and commercial navigation. London 1847. 165 https://archive.org ...
A dragon is a large, serpent-like legendary creature that appears in the folklore of many cultures around world. Beliefs about dragons vary drastically by ...
MacCulloch Chapter 10. Status and Conservation of Amphibians in Suriname - Marinus S. Hoogmoed Chapter 11. Status and Decline of the Amphibians of French ...
التنين : هو من الكائنات الاسطورية وهو زاحف مجنح وفي بعض الاساطير لا يملك اجنحة, ويقال في بعض الاساطير بانه ينفث النار من فمه . توجد بعض الزواحف التي تسمى ...