Richard Watson (born 1961) is an English author, lecturer and futurist known for his 2007 book Future Files: a Brief History of The Next 50 Years and for ...
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Richard Allan Watson (23 February 1931 – 18 September 2019) was an American philosopher, speleologist and author. Richard A. Watson.
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Richard is also the author of six best-selling books, including Digital Vs. Human and The Children's Book of the Future.
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About the author. Richard Watson taught philosophy at Washington University in St. Louis for forty years. He is known for innovative work in Early Modern ...
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Cheaper than a crystal ball and twice as fun, this book by futurist and web creator Watson examines what ""someday"" could be like, based on the five key trends ...
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I live in Melbourne, Australia, where I am the part-time Research Director for Digital Frontier Partners. I am also Regents Professor and the J. Rex Fuqua ...
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Richard L. Watson not only taught history, he is a big part of history: both Duke's and Durham's. During his 45 years at the university, Watson held various ...
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Richard Watson (born 1961) is an English author, lecturer and futurist known for his 2007 book Future Files: a Brief History of The Next 50 Years and for his ...
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His professional life consisted of preaching, Serving as Secretary and President of a Methodist Conference and developing the Wesleyan Missionary Society.