... in author's Civilized America , 1859 , below , I , 410-440 . Also see his article , " The Irish in America , " No. Am . Rev. , LII , ( Jan. 1841 ) , 191–234 ; and “ Observations of a ... [ MOGRIDGE , GEORGE ] . The Indians of 53 1843.
Some smudges, annotations or unclear text may still exist, due to permanent damage to the original work. We believe the literary significance of the text justifies offering this reproduction, allowing a new generation to appreciate it.
In 1936 Los angeles, as her long-estranged father tells architect Kay Fischer the story behind her secret parentage, he plunges readers into a tale of grisly murders and an illicit passion that still obsseses him 30 years later.
A rich and fascinating study of education, social reform, and women's history,Daughters of the State explores the lives of young girls who came to the State Industrial School forGirls in Lancaster, Massachusetts during its first fifty years ...
The book is divided into two sections. The essays in the first section examine the broad background of science in the South between 1830 and 1860; the second section addresses medicine specifically.
This book--the fist historical study of insanity to analyze thousands of court commitment records--provides an original look at the social, institutional, and professional web in which deviant individuals were officially judged "so far ...