Git lets you manage code development in a virtually endless variety of ways, once you understand how to harness the system’s flexibility. This book shows you how.
... McCulloch to the Honorable Bob Casey , November 15 , 1963 , and Robert Carter to John H. Fan- ning , telegram , December 3 , 1963 . 78. NARACP , RNLRB , RG 25 , CF 6768-62 , McCulloch to Casey , Novem- ber 15 , 1963 , Ogden Fields to ...
... McCulloch , Robert Johnson. A recontextualized Patsy Cline strips away the veneer of feminism from her career and makes a deeper , more subtle interpretation possible . Primary sources like Country Song Roundup are a first step since ...
With unique access to the poet’s abundant correspondence, “astute, thoughtful, and wide-ranging guide” (Times [UK]) Fiona Sampson holds up a mirror to the woman, her art, and the art of biography itself.
So long as death remains remote and unreal, Jesus's promises will too. But honesty about death brings hope to life. That's the ironic claim at the heart of this book.