Detective Max Mingus and his partner, Joe Liston, are anticipating a routine murder investigation when they are called to the scene of death at Miami's Primate Park—until the victim's family is found slaughtered, and a partly digested ...
Tides of Innovation in Oceania is directly inspired by Epeli Hau‘ofa’s vision of the Pacific as a ‘Sea of Islands’; the image of tides recalls the cyclical movement of waves, with its unpredictable consequences.
By turns thrilling and satirical, studded with poetry and understated revelation, The Last Hundred Days captures the commonplace terror of Cold War Eastern Europe. Patrick McGuinness's first novel is unforgettable.
Bringing together the history of European astroculture and American-Soviet spaceflight with scholarship on the 1970s, this cutting-edge volume examines the reconfiguration of space imaginaries from a multiplicity of disciplinary ...
... HELE Great D ro of Pa bought Liverpol T King Sagy h ith a rest ven days a ... RICHARD H. STONE , TRUMANSBURG , N. Y BERKSHIRES , BRED SOWS , SPRINGA ... in- author has succeeded in giving in regular and or- The derly sequence ...