Rogue State and its author came to sudden international attention when Osama Bin Laden quoted the book publicly in January 2006, propelling the book to the top of the bestseller charts in a matter of hours.
. There is much in this book to interest and excite those who discuss, research or deliver education."—Ann Fullick, New Scientist "A compelling vision for today's uncertain educational system."—Library Journal "Almost anyone involved at ...
This study examines how selected authors of the late 20th and early 21st centuries write about their creative processes in old age and thus purposefully produce a late style of their own.
But something is missing, and she is not satisfied. There is a constant void in her life. That spark, the zest, and especially the sex. This special edition is uncut and unreal.
In this vital book, thirteen experts in public diplomacy, counterpropaganda and political warfare lay out the components of what the U.S. and its allies need to win the war of ideas around the world.
... in author's possession . Ricou , Xavier . . Teisseire , Yves . " La famille d'Erneville . " INTERVIEWS Interviews in Senegal and Paris by Hilary Jones " Sénégalmétis . " Bonet ...
Biobanks represent an invaluable research tool and, as a result of their intrinsic and extrinsic nature, may be looked upon as archives or repositories largely made up of libraries, or collections of content where the content is the ...