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fuppofe from
... fuppofe the Prcfident meant to play the hypocrite ? Do you fuppofe him capable o of JyUPLIClTY f Do you fuppofe that his tongue t cxpreflcd what his heart reprobated? W Was he not as well acquainted with the exploits p of this ...
fuppofe from
... fuppofe, that large bells cannot be made to found as well by being ftruck with A proper hammer as by fwingingthe whole bell. It is a vulgar error to fuppofe, that concave reflectors to lamps, light a room better than plain ones. It is a ...
fuppofe from
... fuppofe, he fhould give himfelf ap to (h& gratification of his pafilohs, and make the houfe furnifhed by the country, a feraglitf, •^ haunt of rakes and libertines; fuppofe; ie ihotild refufe all converfatfon with thi grave men of our ...
fuppofe from
... fuppofe the grafs growing in Archangel to be produced by that on the banks of the Ganges.' It would never come into our heads to fuppofe that the caterpillars and fnails yt one part of the world were produced iu another part ; why then ...
fuppofe from
... fuppofe that neither of thefe two errors d d exiil, and that this army was to be tranf- ported in thefe kinds of boats : let us fuppofe, likev/ife, -that each of thefe boats, with others, on an average was to convey fo many as ...
fuppofe from
... fuppofe pafles as a fr.c man. I am fatisaed of his having be n to 2vlanche'.*er frequently fmce his elopement, ment, •where h has a brother in th- pofieffion ffion of Mrs. Le .th, by fe name of S'unpn, who I e^ peel carr.ed him down the ...
fuppofe from
... fuppofe their friendship is <o u», However, Sir, you may reft allured- that I tndtavour to make, ufe of ail tha oBConom/ thkt I- can. 4 ,••.-.,,',*! , '*' I Have the honour to b«, Ac. »,-• * ' f;i* • / •" \j.i0 .(Signed)- ' "v ...
fuppofe from
... fuppofe us funk irretrievably into an abyfs -of idlenefs and -extravagance, the fair fex cfpcclfilly lie mtaft fuppofe ipendin^ lieatly t'heiir whole time at the glaf&j and their d-refs'(lrca« mersof leathers and ribbon's,1. That the ...
fuppofe from
... fuppofe that will go too, for they're a going to pafs a lav/ to have no intercourfe, as they call 5r, with the fifh there, nor any other fifli. Ther're droll fifli themff Ives to make fuch laws, fhere was one of the Yorkers lalt ...
fuppofe from
... fuppofe tint there has been paid to Au.tria five months (ubfidy, which would amount to fomewhat more than ^I^O,OOD ; to Rullu there muft have been paid, we should think, at lead four months fubfidy, which, on her proportion of the force ...