Did you mean: fuppo
fuppofe from
... fuppofe other particles or portions to be added to it infinitely ; but I cannot fuppofe this one particle or portion to be infinitely divifi- ble . The perpetually dividing it , and confequently the perpetually re- ducing it into parts ...
fuppofe from
... fuppofe , if we fuppofe it to form itself into Plants or Animals , is indeed to fuppofe it to have a greater and more perfect Knowledge before its Formation into the feveral Species of Being , than it has after , and to know that which ...
fuppofe from
... fuppofe that no fuch Being Exifts . For Example : When we are endeavouring to suppose , that there is no Being in the Universe that exists Neceffarily ; we always find in our Minds , ( be- fides the foregoing Demonftration of ...
fuppofe from
... fuppofe " and be certain " are . Cannot one that places certainty in the perception of the agreement or difagreement of ideas , be certain there is a God ? I can affure you , my Lord , I am certain there is a God ; and yet I own , that ...
fuppofe from
... fuppofe , in regarding the members of the English houfe of commons , dreffing , every man according to his in- clination , we faw real reprefentatives of a free people . But , to quit this digreffion on outward forms and obfervances ...
fuppofe from
... fuppofe , a ca- gione di grande pietá ; -abbi di certo che niun altro uom vive , il quale te quanto io ami , be fure that no man living loves you as much as I do , fuppofe , abbi per cofa di certo ; -dimmi di che io t'ho offefo , & c ...
fuppofe from
... fuppofe , ac- cording to their own principles , that he us'd the proper words in the Conferation of the Bread , and ... fuppofe that they did confecrate the Cup , whenfoever they brake the Bread ; or we muft not . If we fuppofe ...
fuppofe from
... fuppofe this Leader not really liked by any , even of thofe who fo blindly follow him , and hated by all the reft of Mankind : We'll fuppofe this Anti - minifter to be in a Country where he really ought not to be , and where he could ...
fuppofe from
... fuppofe the other House more liable to the In- fluence of wicked Minifters , than we can ever fuppofe a wife King to be , therefore , now is the only proper Time for pushing this Bill , because fome , I hope , of our pre- fent Minifters ...
fuppofe from
... fuppofe there is a God ? BUT your Lordship means by fuppofe , that one must be certain that there is a God . Let it be fo , and let it be your Lordship's privilege in controversy , to use one word for another , tho ' of a different ...