Did you mean: fuppo
fuppofe from
... fuppofe To Ditto for Wines , fuppofe And in like Manner for the other Branches of the Cu-- ftoms , fuppofe Total , fuppofe To be deducted for Drawbacks and Bounties , viz . Drawbacks on the Duty of Tobacco Exported , fuppofe Ditto , On ...
fuppofe from
... fuppofe to be 30 , fet it down ; bidding him make a Mark at the Plunimet End , pull back the Line and measure it ; which fuppofe here to be 16 Feet and fix Inches , which fet down in your Dialing . Paper againft the Point . Then go to ...
fuppofe from
... fuppofe Be added OW the true Amplitude , fuppofe The Sum is the true Variation 22 ° 30 ' North 12 10 South 34 40 West . 8. If in comparing the Azimuths taken at any Time , viz . the Magnetical and True , they are found to difagree ...
fuppofe from
... fuppofe , 408 to find its amount at a given height , fuppofe 1364 feet ? By the fecond formula we have 0,408 x 13,64 = 5 ° , 5 . 1 zio . THE diminution of heat being known , fuppofe 5 ° , 5 , and alfo its rate , fuppofe 0,408 , to ...
fuppofe from
... fuppofe nine Cards are played out , and alfo fuppofe eight Trumps are played out ; and further fuppofe A to have one Trump only , and fuppofe his Partner B to have the Ace and Queen of Trumps , and fuppofe the Adverfaries C and D to ...
fuppofe from
... fuppofe , that neither of them will be offended with the Fate of this Queftion , be it what it will ; and it is impoffible to fuppofe it can occafion any Breach between them ; fo that let the Impor- tance of the Question be of never ...
fuppofe from
... fuppofe A and B Partners againft C and D ; and let us fuppofe C to deal ; and let us fuppofe A to have the King , Knave , Nine , and Seven of Clubs , they being Trumps ; a Quart - Major in Dia- monds , a Tierce - Major in Hearts , and ...
fuppofe from
... fuppofe Attempts made to enquire into his Conduct , or to relieve the Nation from the Diftrefs he has brought upon it ; and when Lights proper for attaining those Ends are called for , not perhaps for the Information of the particular ...
fuppofe from
... fuppofe we are on Rofeway bank . I fuppofe we are between Rofeway and Brown's bank . July 22 , 4 P. M. I fuppofe we are on Brown's bank . July 22 , 7 P. M Tried current and found it NE . I knot no bottom in 80 fathoms . Much Gulph weed ...
fuppofe from
... fuppofe the Water con- geal'd , but without any diminution or augmen- tation of its Mafs . Let us farther fuppofe , that God made an attempt to move this Matter ; and that he indeavour'd at once to divide all its parts exactly in the ...