Did you mean: fuppo
Today's secret word is 12 letters and means "Excessively proud of oneself, boastful." Can you find it?
Fuppofe a company estimates the saies of a certain product as the function C(x). The derivative C′(x) of the function C(x) is given by the graph below From ...
In croffing a heath, fuppofe I pitched my foot againft a ftone, and were afked how the ftone came to be there, I might poffibly anfwer, that, for any thing ...
... < remark- ably fimilar, occurs in St. Paul himfelf; who, having been brought up at the feet of Ga- maliel, was. we may well fuppofe, fully acquainted.
N. B. As I fuppofe the truftees of the Bojion navigation muft be confidered as ag- greflbrs, the removal of the lock and ftaunch fhould be at their expence.
'fuppofe a mixture of Greek and Roman letters. z. It refembles moft the antique form of the figure -2, among the. Arabic charaters, which the learned Doctor ...
Let us further fuppofe thetop of it to be cover'd with an opa- cous body, all but the hole a b, through which the Sun-beams are fuffer'd to pals into the ...
... fuppofe by this time may be failed; and will be near 100,000 Men; fo that we hope foon to hear of an of Cumberland to the Army, immediately before the ...
-fon I fuppofe to be this; the afironomer knows from the moon's fituation with refpeat to the fun, and even from the figure of its enlightened part ...
Jl\ ring of Iron will acquire a Vigorous Polarity. J fuppofe it does not fully appear from Hence, Thatall the common Origin a §mith s Shop, which probably ...